Q: MORNING BUS ROUTES: What is the difference between "Activity" bus runs and "Regular" bus runs?

Q: MORNING BUS ROUTES: What is the difference between "Activity" bus runs and "Regular" bus runs?

Each morning when school is in session, unless otherwise noted, there will be a Morning Activity Bus Run and a Regular Morning Bus Run.  The purpose of the Morning Activity Bus Run is to ensure that students, who are entitled to busing services, and enrolled in Band, Orchestra, and Chorus arrive at school by 7:20am.  Any student though, entitled to busing services, may use this Morning Activity Bus Run to arrive at school and must then follow the expectations for our Overture period (7:20-8:15am).  The Regular Morning Bus Run ensures that ALL students entitled to busing services can arrive at school by 8:15am.  

Please note that the there are fewer buses providing transportation for the Morning Activity bus run than for the Regular Morning bus run.  This means that students will walk a little further to their assigned Morning Activity bus stop than to their Regular Morning bus stop.

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