Q: What do I do if I'm having trouble logging into Powerschool?
A: If you have created a parent account in our PowerSchool Portal ( https://pschool.glenview34.org ) and cannot recall your username or password, please try using the "Forgot Username or Password?" on the login page. This will allow you to recover your username/password via your email address.
If you still require assistance, contact your school office:
- Henking: (847) 998-5035
- Lyon: (847) 998-5045
- Westbrook: (847) 998-5055
- Glen Grove: (847) 998-5030
- Hoffman: (847) 998-5040
- Pleasant Ridge: (847) 998-5050
- Attea: (847) 486-7700
- Springman: (847) 998-5020