Q: Why is it important that students come to school on time?

Q: Why is it important that students come to school on time?
  • Our morning announcements start promptly at 7:45 am. Students walking in after this time miss important information relayed during these daily announcements. They also miss participating in the important communal experiences of saying the Pledge of Allegiance and acknowledging birthdays together.
  • Even if students walk through our doors at 8:00 am, it will take them several minutes to organize themselves to be ready for their day. Instruction at Glen Grove begins promptly at 8:00 am.  Students arriving after this time miss out on valuable instructional time. They may miss a set of directions, review items, or an important explanation of a concept or skill, all of which support and enhance the learning process for our students.
  • When students are late for school, they start their day rushed and hurried. This may make them feel a sense of anxiety and would not be the calmest or most effective way to begin a day.

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