Focus Forward Together: Plan Refresh

The 2023-2024 school year was the final year of the District 34 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. That plan was foundational in guiding the District through so many positive changes, from a successful referendum to the subsequent launch of full-day kindergarten and new learning spaces, from processes and programs that improve transitions for students to enhanced parent programming.

We've lived our mission: Aspire. Explore. Discover. Connect.

Starting in 2023, the District began asking for input from all stakeholders to maintain that solid foundation, ensuring a strategic plan for District 34 that continues to reflect the wishes of the community.

Focus Forward Together
Colaborando Juntos
집중하다 앞으로 함께
Төвлөр Урагшаа  Хамтдаа

How We've Connected

Task Force Meeting #1

On December 12, 2023, a group of more than 25 individuals, including teachers, staff, administrators, parents, and community members – representing all of our buildings and diverse roles and perspectives – convened to delve into a comprehensive evaluation of our District. Their efforts centered around understanding our current standing by examining student achievement data, demographic information, survey results, and insights from the current strategic plan.

During this session, they conducted a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to unearth the core attributes of our District and engaged in various activities aimed at formulating goals for the forthcoming strategic plan.

Community Feedback Sessions

We value your input immensely as we progress further in this strategic planning journey. Your thoughts, ideas, and perspectives significantly contribute to shaping the future of District 34. We held community feedback sessions on the following dates (the information shared and format was the same at all of the sessions):

  • January 17 at Pleasant Ridge at 3:30pm
  • January 22 at Henking at 4:30pm
  • January 25 at Attea at 5:00pm
  • January 30 at Westbrook at 7:00pm
  • February 22 at Westbrook at 6:00pm - Spanish BPAC Feedback Session
  • February 22 at Westbrook at 7:00pm - Mongolian BPAC Feedback Session

A those meetings, community members saw the following presentation and provided input.

Task Force Meeting #2

The task force reconvened to hear the results of community feedback and, with a little word smithing, affirm the goals of the strategic plan and begin developing the plan's strategies. 

After that meeting, District leaders met to review those strategies and establish the objectives.

A final virtual meeting of the task force