Behavioral Intervention Guidelines
Specific behavioral interventions are recommended based on the level of restrictiveness that the student needs to improve behavior. For example, self management is a proactive nonrestrictive intervention, and physical restraint is a highly restrictive intervention. The level of intervention should match the level of behavior.
- Proactive Nonrestrictive Interventions
- Reactive Nonrestrictive Interventions
- Restrictive Interventions
- Highly Restrictive Interventions
- Prohibited Interventions
Proactive Nonrestrictive Interventions
Reactive Nonrestrictive Interventions
Restrictive Interventions
Highly Restrictive Interventions
Prohibited Interventions
These guidelines of intervention are designed to promote the use and maintenance of the best professional standards and practices for providing students with behavioral interventions. The selection of an intervention should always be based on the individual needs of the student. Because students respond differently to various interventions, some plans will be more or less intense. Analyzing information collected during the functional analysis phase of the plan will yield valuable information. The least restrictive intervention which will produce the greatest desired behavioral change should be selected from the continuum of strategies. Regardless of the choice, the pupil's human dignity and personal privacy, personal freedom, and social interaction must always be considered.