Extended School Year
Summer 2023 ESY placements have been emailed to parents. Please contact Extended School Year (ESY) Principal Alison Dauernheim (adauernheim@glenview34.org) if you have not received your child's placement.
Below you will find important information about your child’s ESY experience:
The program will take place at: Westbrook School (1333 Greenwood Rd)
Dates: Tuesday, June 20 through Thursday, July 20
- Days of attendance: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. NO SCHOOL on Fridays.
- No school: Monday, July 3 and Tuesday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day
- Student Hours:
- Kindergarten through seventh grade: 8:30am-11:30am
- Preschool: 8:30am-10:30am
- Transportation/Bus Information:
- If you signed up in PowerSchool for a bus to and from Westbrook, you will receive a call from Safeway about your child’s pickup and drop-off time prior to June 20.
- If you need bus transportation to and from Westbrook but did not register for it, please reach out to Alison Dauernheim (adauernheim@glenview34.org) as soon as possible.
- Car riders and walkers should arrive no earlier than 8:25am, as there will not be supervision available until that time.
- Car riders, please see the map. The front of the building will be under construction, so Extended School Year will take place solely in the rear wings of the building (on the east side). For drop off, you will drive in the car lane on the north side of the building, follow the path along the east side, then continue on the path going westward. Please pull up to the sign on the sidewalk near the doors marked “Car” on the map below and have your child exit to the curb or wait for your child to be brought to the car.
Transportation Changes
If your child is a bus rider, each day your child will be placed on the bus at 11:30 AM (10:30 for preschool), unless we hear otherwise from you. For individual day pickups, you must notify the Westbrook office at (847) 657-2484.
A parent or guardian should call the attendance line at 847-657-2484 by 8:30 am each day your child is absent. Alternatively, a parent/guardian can notify the office or teacher about a range of dates for planned absences.
Cold breakfast options will be offered during District 34’s ESY program. If you would like for your child to eat breakfast each morning during ESY, please complete this quick survey or email jconner@glenview34.org. Listed below is the cost of breakfast depending on your child’s current school year meal status.
Student Meal Status | Daily Cost | Total Cost for ESY |
Free Meal Eligible | $0 | $0 |
Reduced-Price Meal Eligible | $0.30 | $5.10 |
Paid Meals | $1.95 | $33.15 |
Funds can be added to your child’s account electronically or by check. If you have any questions regarding your child’s meal account, please contact Jill Conner at (847) 486-7702 or by email at jconner@glenview34.org.
If your child has any special dietary needs or food allergies that require accommodations, please contact Stacy Lenihan at slenihan@glenview34.org by June 8 to ensure accommodations are ready for the summer.
Health & Safety Protocols
If your child is ill and will not be coming to school, please call the office at (847) 657-2484.
It is recommended that students and staff do not come to school and seek advice from a medical provider if they have any of the following symptoms:
- Fever of 100.4 or higher
- Sore throat
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
If your child tests positive for strep throat, pink eye, COVID or other contagious disease, they should remain home until fever free without fever reducing medication, and diarrhea/vomiting have ceased for 24 hours. In addition, for strep throat and pink eye, students should remain home for 24 hours after starting antibiotics.
If you have any questions, please contact our Extended School Year administrators:
Alison Dauernheim, Extended School Year Principal adauernheim@glenview34.org
Kristin Caceres, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services kcaceres@glenview34.org