District 34 values the use of the first language, when possible, to develop proficiency in English as evidenced by growth of our bilingual program. District 34 can further facilitate maintenance of the first language by providing students opportunities to master concepts and literacy in their native language and encourage the continued use of the first language in the home.
District 34 values the development of English language proficiency, academic and social language as evidenced by instruction in academic vocabulary, balanced literacy and comprehension skills. It is also evidenced by providing hands-on learning opportunities and making connections to the child’s background knowledge. District 34 can further facilitate the development of English language proficiency through grouping students based on best practice research. Collaboration time between ELL and general education staff also ensures the alignment of the academic content with WIDA standards.
District 34 values the education of ELs in the academic core curriculum in tandem with the development of English language proficiency. District 34 can further facilitate instruction in the areas of language and content through collaboration between ELL and general education staff and the increased use of best practices in instruction of ELs.
District 34 values the diversity of our student population as evidenced by the District 34 Vision Statement. District 34 can further facilitate the value of our students’ culture through professional development for staff, increasing diverse literature, and celebrating our richly diverse community at the student, classroom, building and district level.
District 34 values parent involvement and providing opportunities for the parents of EL students to participate in their children’s educational experience as evidenced by parent evenings and trainings held exclusively for EL parents. District 34 can further facilitate parent involvement by providing opportunities for parents to be involved in hands on experiences, recognizing the cultural differences that may impact parental involvement and reducing the barriers to parent involvement.