Student Report Cards

K-5 Student Report Cards

District 34 implemented new standards-based, K-5 report cards for the 2018-2019 school year. Standards-based reporting is designed to align learning targets with assessment evidence collected throughout a grading period demonstrating growth towards mastery. 

How to Access Your Child's Report Card

Each trimester, report cards are posted online through PowerSchool (log in and click the “Report Card” icon on the left navigation bar). Hard copies of report cards are not sent home. If you have trouble logging into PowerSchool, please reach out to your school’s front office.

Once logged in, click on the “Report Card” link on the left navigation bar. Report cards are translated into Spanish, Korean and Mongolian. You’ll see the tabs at the top of the screen on the Report Card page in PowerSchool. After you’ve reviewed the report card, check the signature checkbox at the bottom of the screen and click Submit.

K-5 Report Card Key:









IP In-Progress

To learn more about our report card key terms, please check the FAQs below.

Preschool Progress Reports

It is stated [In the Illinois Early Learning Standards] that, “all children within an age group should not be expected to arrive at each preschool benchmark at the same time or to show mastery to the same degree. There is no expectation that every child will master every preschool benchmark. Teachers work with children to meet them where they are and help them continue to make small steps of progression towards each preschool benchmark.” (Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards, 2013). 

There are performance descriptors to guide where you may expect a three year old or four year old to fall during their time in preschool on that benchmarks’ learning progression but again we do not expect a certain amount of growth just that students are growing.

Preschool Report Card Key:

/ Not Yet Assessed


Not Yet


Emerging: Beginning to use foundational skills. Yet to be secure in end of the year expectation


Developing: Working towards age appropriate expectations and steadily increasing skills


Secure: Securely working within end of year age appropriate expectations

Standards-Based Report Card FAQ