Meet Band Director Allie Reatherford
Explore D34
District 34 is a diverse, inclusive school district that serves approximately 4,500 students from preschool through eighth grade across three primary schools (Henking, Lyon and Westbrook), three intermediate schools (Glen Grove, Hoffman and Pleasant Ridge), and two middle schools (Attea and Springman). The primary and intermediate schools are organized in three clusters: Henking-Hoffman; Lyon-Pleasant Ridge; and Westbrook-Glen Grove. Our preschool program serves a blend of students with special needs and typically developing peers and is housed within Westbrook School.
Everyone I work with is very genuine, grounded, and knows that building relationships with each other is incredibly important. People in the district and at buildings know each other. We aren't just a number or a peg to fill an empty slot. We are individuals with strengths and talents that each bring a unique experience to D34.
- Laura Zerull, third grade teacher
Connect with HR
The Many Reasons to Explore D34
The People
Learning Spaces
Your Path
Adult Learning & Support
The Mentor League
Principal Perspective
D34 colleagues have the ability to inspire and motivate each other to try new things and take risks. I would probably not be in grad school right now without the encouraging push from colleagues and mentors in D34.
- Casey Coker, seventh grade social studies teacher
Explore The People of D34!
Meet Building Administrative Assistant Alma Brito
Meet Speech Language Pathologist Aurora Joaquin
Meet Seventh Grade Social Studies Teacher Casey Coker
Meet EL Teacher Jason Lee
Meet Lead Cook Joan Zigman
Meet Second Grade Dual Language Teacher Kate McNally
Meet Third Grade Teacher Laura Zerull
Meet Assistant Superintendent for Multilingual Services Raquel Kim
Explore Your Path
Paraprofessionals, or “Associates” as they are referred to in District 34, are a key component to the successful education of our students.
Your wellbeing is important to us, to your colleagues and to your students and their families.
Explore how to join our certified staff team and the Illinois State Board of Education Licensure Requirements.
We want all new certified staff members to have a successful transition into the District, to ensure that you feel that you belong in D34!
Looking for flexible instead of full-time? Learn how to become a sub in D34!
View our contracts with the two unions in D34 - Glenview Education Association and Glenview Professional Association